Karen Thompson, creator of the Wish Wrap® is a successful wife, mother, entrepreneur and philanthropist. Karen is a believer in wishes and writing down goals and desires. “Anything is possible with vision, some paper and a driven desire”
The Wish Wrap® designed by Karen Thompson features a wish pocket™ containing a wish card on which to write a wish. The idea is to encourage women to believe in the power of a wish and the power of writing it down as the first step to making things happen. “Women don’t want to dream too big. We want to attain our goals, so we’re more timid about writing down something big. Women, for whatever reason, hesitate to put their wishes out there.”
Karen was inspired at an early age watching her parents run a business. Focused on fashion she worked in a local department store and was promoted to a buyer position in New York City. She realized her dream of her own business in 1988 when she opened a lingerie store. She began by working in NY on weekdays and in her boutique on weekends. Her first attempt failed but with characteristic enthusiasm she reopened in a new location. More than 25 years later, Karen’s company has grown to include 5 brands in 10 locations.
When two friends lost everything in a California wildfire, Karen was inspired to partner with the Salvation Army to create a pajama and underwear pantry. “In disasters, everyone thinks of clothes and blankets, but no one thinks, ‘She needs a bra, she needs some underwear.’
Thompson believes no wish is too big. Karen has been writing her “wishes” since she opened her first business over 25 years ago. Some wishes have come true. Some have not. “Not everything happens. It’s okay if it’s not crossed off the list. Things change, people’s goals change and that’s okay. It’s all for a reason.”
Always looking ahead, thinking of the next idea and always rearranging her furniture, Karen continues to write down her wishes no matter how laughable or unattainable they may seem. Go ahead! It’s easy. Make a wish. Write it down. Sure it might not come true.
But…what if it does?